Wairarapa Times-Age E-Edition



Is it safe to make mayonnaise with raw eggs?

Not entirely. A nasty strain of salmonella has recently been found in a North Island chicken hatchery, and though no eggs have tested positive so far, NZ Food Safety says children under 2 years old, pregnant women, people with reduced immunity, and the frail elderly should not be served raw eggs. For the rest of us the risk is low, but buy your eggs from a reputable source, keep them refrigerated, wash your hands after handling and use the eggs within their best-before date.

Why is my brown rice still hard after cooking?

Did you give it enough time? Brown rice takes longer to cook than white, so allow around 40 minutes unless you have soaked it first. The absorption method doesn’t work so well with brown rice, you need to allow more water and more time for good results. If the rice still feels hard once all the liquid has been absorbed, add more water and simmer a bit longer. Brown rice yields slightly less volume than white, but it’s healthier and more filling.

If you have a food question, email Glenys at glenyswoollard@icloud.com






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