Wairarapa Times-Age E-Edition



What are marrowfat peas?

Large, starchy varieties of pea grown to maturity and dried out in the field, as opposed to regular peas that are harvested while young. Marrowfat peas are used to make mushy peas, traditional with fish and chips in England (an acquired taste). They are also popular in Japan for making wasabi peas, and in other places as a base for nutritious snack foods. Dried marrowfat peas are sometimes stocked in organic food stores here, while canned ones are sold in some supermarkets and stores specialising in British foods.

Can you suggest an easy marinade for beef steaks?

Place 1 tablespoon each of soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and olive oil in a shallow glass dish, whisk together with a fork then add your steaks — any more than three and you’ll need to increase the quantities. Flip to coat both sides, then cover and refrigerate for 1 to 12 hours, turning occasionally. Remove from the fridge 30 minutes before needed, and pat dry with kitchen towels before adding to a hot greased pan, cooking each side for about 5-7 minutes.

If you have a food question, email Glenys at glenyswoollard@icloud.com






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